Welcome to Coefficient Consulting

Propelling product development solutions forward.

Whether you are launching a new venture or expanding an existing business, who you choose to guide you can make all the difference.

Drilling down to what matters

We help companies think about the big picture by drilling down to the details and cutting out the noise to find the most efficient possible path to success.

Connecting you up for success

We leverage deep experience in both domestic and overseas supply chains to help you plot and execute your go-to-market plan.

Illuminating the path to launch

Our multidisciplinary team of engineering leaders can support each facet of product development to get your business on the right path.

Our Services

Coefficient is a consulting company founded and run by engineering leaders with a proven track record of building and launching startups.

We specialize in integrating product development in to the overall business strategy to make every launch successful.

  • From helping identify market opportunities to building a product roadmap and identifying resource needs, we can help set your business up for success.

  • Beginning with developing product requirements and architecture studies through manufacturing-ready documentation, we can take your product from concept to production.

  • Disciplined businesses are scalable businesses. We can help build the organization that builds the product.

  • Having scaled and exited multiple businesses ourselves, we can help you avoid the pitfalls and get it right the first time.

  • Vendor selection is make or break for a hardware project. We have an extensive network of existing relationships with proven partners as well as a rigorous process for vetting new candidates to help you find the best match for your project.

Our Clients

Our Team

  • Drew Atkinson


    Founder & Engineer



    Program Management & NPI


    Firmware Engineering

  • Oranssi construction engineer Jamie Kokot


    Electrical Engineering


    Quality & Regulatory


    Operational Excellence


In 2019, Founder Drew Atkinson realized there was a need within organizations for engineers that could design and use business intelligence to create a more meaningful impact on the bottom line. He decided to start Coefficient Consulting to address that need and guide companies through the terrain of product creation.

Since then his team has grown and the client list has expanded to include a wide variety of industries including industrial IoT, consumer electronics, medical devices, solar power, and more.